Тема: Panther /Garage, Thrash'n'Roll/
17.02.2007, 23:20   # 1
Adolf Wolf
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Artist.........: Panther
Album..........: Broken Rock'n'Roll Blaster
Year...........: ?
Genre..........: Garage, Thrash'n'Roll
Bitrate........: 128
Size...........: 6.55

Comment........: Four Japanese kids (hey, they look younger than me, so I can call 'em kids if I want to) demonstrate that the most important attribute of good rock music is volume. The four tracks on this EP blare with reckless abandon, full of fuzzed-out guitar and exuberantly-shouted lyrics. If you're looking to derive a positive social message from songs like "Woo-Haa" and "Meow", though, you might be asking a bit much. Just crank up the volume and enjoy.


01. Woo-Haa (01:25)
02. Meow (01:22)
03. Ubulubia (01:22)
04. XXX RNR (01:47)

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Последний раз редактировалось Adolf Wolf; 05.04.2010 в 20:31.
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