Тема: James Hunter /Soul, R'n'B/
24.03.2007, 16:51   # 1
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People Gonna Talk features 14 original tracks written and arranged by Hunter, who partnered with Producer Liam Watson to create a wonderfully rich, classic soul sound. The album was recorded at Watson’s Toe Rag Studios in East London, (also home to Elephant by The White Stripes), where vintage analogue equipment has captured the warmth of Hunter’s authentic and heartfelt sensibilities. Without headphones, without separating musicians, without any digital enhancements or computers, the entire band, (including Hunter on vocals and guitar), played together live in the same room. “There’s a lot of ‘fake perfection’ in music that’s being recorded nowadays that comes from the hours and hours spent constructing performances in the studio,” says Watson. “This is a very real performance that reflects the real James Hunter with his band. I think audiences will appreciate that quality in his music when they listen to the record.”

There’s no denying that Hunter’s musical style harkens back to the days of classic 50’s and early 60’s R&B. What’s remarkable is that the same timeless quality inherent to the R&B innovators, including Sam Cooke, Bobby Bland and Ray Charles, can exist in music that is being written, performed and recorded today. Hunter’s voice is smooth, brilliantly controlled and unapologetic. Through his infectious vocal and guitar performances, clever songwriting and tight horn arrangements, Hunter proves to be a man of impeccable taste who has learned from his influences rather than simply imitating them. He even incorporates a smooth ska beat on the title track, People Gonna Talk, which gives the song a classic, warm rhythmic feel.

But don’t tell Hunter that the album’s a throwback to any era gone by. “I feel this music is as relevant for people today as it would’ve been 40 years ago,” he explains. “It has a groove that makes people feel good—it makes girls want to dance. What’s retro or old-sounding about that?” So call it what you want. Retro. Old School. New. Hip. Hunter delivers his impassioned vocals with such authority and freedom that his observations on romance take on an aura of timeless authenticity.

Artist.........: James Hunter
Album..........: People Gonna Talk
Year...........: 2006
Genre..........: Soul
Bitrate........: 192Kbps
Size...........: 56Mb

Comment........: Впервые услышав заглавный трек с этого альбома невольно заинтересовался исполнителем - уж больно хорош теплый и душевный вокал. Когда узнал, что песня 2006-го года, мягко говоря, удивился. Не думал, что сейчас так кто-то еще поет=) Сразу напомнило легендарного Sam Cooke.
Альбом номинирован на Грэмми, кстати;)
Must have, однозначный


1. People Gonna Talk
2. No Smoke Without Fire
3. You Can't Win
4. Riot in My Heart
5. Til Your Fool Comes Home
6. Mollena
7. I'll Walk Away
8. Watch & Chain
9. Kick It Around
10. Don't Come Back
11. It's Easy to Say
12. Tell Her for Me
13. Talkin' 'Bout My Love
14. All Through Cryin'

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