Тема: Little Fyodor /Avant-pop/
16.05.2008, 12:56   # 1
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In my time I've seen Mick Jagger, Iggy Pop, David Bowie and various members of the Rat Pack, but by far the most charismatic performer I've ever laid eyes on, has got to be a man who goes by the stage-name of Little Fyodor (pronounced Fee-A-Door, like Dostoevsky). On the surface, he would appear to be the antithesis of what you'd expect of a Pop Star; and he is - deliberately so. He has consciously inverted the rock n' roll paradigm, and in so doing created a kind of bizarro-world version of the rock idiom.

That said, Fyodor's music is perhaps truer to the spirit of rock n' roll than anything produced by the sort of ersatz bad boys who feign defiance in Mtv music videos. Little Fyodor is a genuine outsider, a pop anti-hero who both laments and celebrates his alienation. His songs are well-crafted pop psychodramas that usher the listener into a funzone in which giddy glee and paranoia blur effortlessly into one another.

-- Boyd Rice, 2005
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"Boyd Rice Presents: The Very Best Of Little Fyodor's Greatest Hits!"

01 You Give Me A Hard-on
02 I Want An Ugly Girl
03 Everybody's Fucking
04 Too Many People
05 Happy People
06 The Blackness
07 Watching The Squirrels
08 Small Talk
09 I Go To Parties
10 I Thought I Liked Fools
11 No Relief In Sight
12 Doomed
13 This Diamond Ring
14 I Don't Know What To Do
15 Everybody's Fucking (Reprise)
16 Nobody Want's To Play With Me
17 I Wanna Be The Buddha
18 Like An Earthquake
19 Tried
20 Fuck It

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