Тема: Its a Casual Life (2003)
11.12.2008, 19:17   # 1
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Its a Casual Life

It's a casual life tells the story of Jimmy and his lifelong membership of the Saturday scene. Through a brutally honest monologue and series of dramatic and violent events, the film challenges the myths surrounding football hooliganism and explores Jimmy's past, passion and above all, motivation. Central to the story is Jimmy's love affair with the culture of football. We discover his resentment at the evolution of The Casual scene and the demise of everything it once stood for. Changes that ultimately arrive for Jimmy have long-lasting consequences.

Видео: 352x288; 25 fps; XVID [DVDRip]
Звук: 48kHz; стерео; PCM, 1536 kbit/s
Язык: Английский
Продолжительность: 0:12
Размер: 177 мб

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