Тема: New Superstitions /Power pop, punk, post-punk, mod-revival, from Russia/
28.01.2009, 23:28   # 1
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New Superstitions

New Superstitions – a band emerged as an avalanche or landslip – once and unavoidable. Guys stated their way within Moscow club scene not so long ago – spring 2008, nevertheless showed themselves able to attract as much attention as it would be in case of supernova downfall.

The style of New Superstitions can be described as a tough cocktail of early british punk, power pop and mod revival. But still music is first to hear, not to describe…

So prepare yourself for the avidance which will follow!
Uri - vocal, guitar
Rutger- guitar
Ilyaka - bass
Buybaldzhie - drums

Последний раз редактировалось не3дох; 26.10.2009 в 16:25.
Отметили: zx14, MAQ
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