Тема: Релизы 09
07.03.2009, 11:59   # 26
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Monkey "Lost At Sea" CD/LP

The new album from this long-running ska band! Hailing from San Jose, CA, MONKEY continue to play a smooth blend of Jamaican roots rocksteady ska. Heavily influenced by the sounds of TOOTS AND THE MAYTALS, BOB MARLEY, THE SKATALITES, and modern day bands such as HEPCAT and the SLACKERS.

This album features 10 mean ska & reggae tracks from the band MONKEY... with guest performances from Kincaid Smith (Hepcat). Album artwork by Parker Jacobs (Yo Gabba Gabba/Paul Frank).
Track Listing

1. Lost At Sea
2. My Own Time
3. Train Wreck
4. In Demand
5. Danska
6. This Life
7. Walking On Coals
8. Hot Lunch
9. Chemical Nation
10. Scallywag


The Catch-It-Kebabs have announced that their new (and currently untitled) album is on its way and they are “working hard on writing fresh material” for it.
The Kebabulites have confirmed that the album is going to have “Bouncy Reggae, swinging brass riffs, upbeat 4-on-the-floor dancing ska beats, keyboard led funk and hip-hop grooves all merged together”.
The album is set to be recorded later this summer with a release scheduled shortly after. The rumored (but unconfirmed) title is “Broken Vans and Master Plans”
Отметили: 82%, Маттеус, batiskaff, Monah, Кирилл Петроград, SKAtt
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