Тема: Editors /Indie Rock, from UK/
15.10.2009, 13:40   # 6
Сообщений: 1 722
Репутация: 4 467
Статус: Offline
Editors - In This Light And On This Even (2009)

1. Editors - In This Light And On This Evening (4:20)
2. Editors - Bricks And Mortar (6:20)
3. Editors - Papillon (5:24)
4. Editors - You Don't Know Love (4:38)
5. Editors - The Big Exit (4:44)
6. Editors - The Boxer (4:40)
7. Editors - Like Treasure (4:51)
8. Editors - Eat Raw Meat = Blood Drool (4:53)
9. Editors - Walk The Fleet Road (3:46)

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Отметили: не3дох, Pan_zagloba, ooze
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