Тема: неприятная новость
23.12.2009, 01:30   # 1
Генри Чинаски
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такая вот штука. на рокхоллле (http://www.rockhall.ro) появилось не самое приятное объявление.

Due to multiple complains and threatenings from the recording companies we have decided to remove all copyrighted material.
Rock 'n' Roll is today just a niche music, with just a few thousand fans all over the world. And this was the situation also in the 70's, 80's and 90's, when there was no file sharing. We just tried to open this circle and bring back Rock 'n' Roll to the people, push it in the front as every kid from all over the world to have the opportunity to listen at least a few Rock 'n' Roll records.
There was a fabulous work from the members of RockHall, but the labels considered the Rock 'n' Roll music is well and kicking and our community will bring prejudice to their records sells. It's their material and we respect that, so we removed every download link from RockHall. The dark side of the road is not so much the lost of four years of hard work and money, but that the records companies have the future of Rock 'n' Roll in their hands and the future of this music doesn't look good at all. Yes, I just hope I'm wrong and I'll love to see Rhythm Bomb and Bear Family promoting the good old music on the nation television, on prime time, but i have real doubts that will became reality in this life.

Now on, THERE IS STRICTLY FORBIDDEN TO PUBLISH COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL. Our moderators will immediately remove the copyrighted content. We will try to build a new project right here: a 20sec preview for all those Rock 'n' Roll releases. All done with the records companies approval. This will be a sure boost for the sells, lots of people don't buy records just because they don't know the music it's offered there.

This moment was imminent form the start of this project. First of all it was a beautiful life experience and I would like to thank you all, members of RockHall, for your hard work and your dedication in saving Rock 'n' Roll music. I've made a few friends here and I have lots of beers to offer. I'm very sorry I had to remove all your work, but we have to play by the rules.

очень неплохой форум с родственной тематикой, к сожалению, перестал быть кладезью раритетов и новинок. надеюсь, что это не коснется нас...

пс. может слишком рано, но я поздравляю вас, комрады, с наступающими праздниками и желаю Вам крепкой печени, душевного равновесия, светлого неба над головой и любви... ну и конечно же, чтобы ваши кишки всегда тряслись под слэп контрабаса.

ппс прекрасно понимаю, что ЭТО стоило запостить в теме об авторских правах, но в рок-н-ролл сцене будет актуальней.
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