Тема: Paddy Milner /Jazz, Blues/
07.04.2017, 21:43   # 2
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Artist.........: Paddy Milner
Album..........: 21st Century Boogie
Year...........: 2000
Bitrate........: 320 kbps
Size...........: 109 mb
Original Release: 2000. Label: Launch Records. Total Length: 48:10. You don't have to be a blues revivalist to appreciate this outstanding young talent, however, if you are a lover of piano blues/boogie, this will cheer you enormously. Here's a man with all the juke-joint fluency of a Meade Lux Lewis or Albert Ammons, enough urban sophistication to have traveled straight out of Chicago, and performed with the vitality and enthusiasm of a musician who really enjoys what he's doing. Milner's piano work throughout the album is first class - there are moments on the up-tempo tunes where the powerful, fluent sound of Pete Johnson is evoked, and his gutsy blues choruses and fill-ins are truly impressive. The overall standard of production is first class.

01. 21st century boogie
02. I’m ready
03. Swannee river samba
04. The days, the nights
05. Highway sound
06. Prelude to caravan
07. Caravan
08. Late nights playing the blues
09. Prelude to bumble fumble
10. The bumble fumble
11. Boogie woogie time of year
12. The world is getting smaller everyday

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Отметили: JC Denton, Funky Monkey, puknez
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