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VA - Midnight Radio (Jump Start Records) /Ska/

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25.05.2018, 13:12   # 1
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1997 - Midnight Radio Vol.1 [320]
Artist......: Various Artists
Album.......: Midnight Radio Vol.1
Year........: 1997
Genre.......: Ska
Bitrate.....: 320 kbps
Size........: 150 mb

(03:38) 01 - The Kingpins - The Ten Commandments of Ska
(03:00) 02 - Suspect Bill - The Dipsy Doodle
(03:48) 03 - Eastern Standard Time - Mad Dog
(03:00) 04 - Cherry Poppin' Daddies - Brown Derby Jump
(02:31) 05 - Seven Foot Politic - Bleed Print
(05:58) 06 - The Solicitors - Parasite
(03:19) 07 - The Allentons - My Babe
(02:36) 08 - Dr. Raju - Where Do We Go From Here
(03:36) 09 - Mobius Fruit Loop - Caldonia
(02:47) 10 - Skavoovie & the Epitones - Bli-Blip
(02:39) 11 - Mobtown - Liar
(02:54) 12 - The Robustos - Don't Stay Away
(03:40) 13 - The B-3s - Schederazade
(05:27) 14 - Dave's Big Deluxe - Miss Fortune
(04:26) 15 - JFK & the Conspirators - Partners in Crime
(11:58) 16 - The Stubborn All-Stars - Confucius (Live)
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2000 - Midnight Radio Vol.2 [320]
Artist......: Various Artists
Album.......: Midnight Radio Vol.2
Year........: 2000
Genre.......: Ska
Bitrate.....: 320 kbps
Size........: 166 mb

(03:38) 01 - The Kinetics - Kid's Stuff
(04:10) 02 - Intensified - Angels and You
(03:12) 03 - SeeSpot - Needles and Pins
(03:59) 04 - AfterHours - Go Figure
(03:01) 05 - The Radiation Kings - Hell When I'm Gone
(03:55) 06 - The Dynamos - Undone
(03:09) 07 - Rathskeller - East Wake
(03:03) 08 - King Django - No Trial
(03:23) 09 - Rocker T - By Your Side
(03:49) 10 - The Robustos - No Stranges Here
(03:00) 11 - Victor Rice - Patiences
(04:19) 12 - The Blue Beat Stompers - I Won't Cry for You
(04:22) 13 - The B-3s - The Trigger and the Family
(04:10) 14 - The Steady Ups - Long Way to Go
(03:03) 15 - The Irie Beats - Cantina
(06:37) 16 - The Rhythm Doctors - Evening Mood (On Bond Street)
(02:50) 17 - Crazy Baldhead - Once Again
(04:06) 18 - Dr. Ring Ding & the Senior All-Stars - Call 809
(04:55) 19 - Orange Street - It Is You
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Отметили: sparrow, "cool"ikova, jobovka, horst, Mad Beet, Funky Monkey
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