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Llyclovt /Experimental Rock, Indie from El Salvador/

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27.12.2010, 05:06   # 1
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An eclectic but harmonious mixture of sounds. Llyclovt is one of the most promising new bands in Latin America.

Llyclovt was born in early 2007 in San Salvador, El Salvador. The band consists of 5 members from very diverse musical backgrounds joined with the idea of innovating the national scene. Since its inception they seek their own voice, creating a solid proposal with a unique sound, it is then that the influences of each member are mixed to form an eclectic nuances rock.

The band has followed a philosophy of creating their own art independently, carrying out their recordings and performing at different venues by bands of different musical genres. In early 2010, Llyclovt finished recording and producing their first album called ANTARES, a conceptual album that is seen as a metaphorical journey from beginning to end, which will be released under the Bajo Presión Records label from Guatemala, also supporting the album's release with performances at home and in Central America.

Llyclovt - Antares

1. i
2. Ablepsia
3. Gólgota
4. Blackadejos
5. Enjambres
6. Abismo
7. Somniorum
8. Aurora
9. Antares
10. Eón

320 kbps
76.1 Mb

Отметили: klesch

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